Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Discovering the Dog

This week Birdie noticed Madi, our black labrador retriever. Before she was oblivious to her presence, but now she looks at her and follows her with her eyes. I don't think I will ever stop being amazed at how she changes and grows every day.

Even today Madi licked her little hands. I laughed and cringed at the same time. It was really cute; however I was not too happy about this, since, well you know what dogs like to do. But I'm sure this will not be the last time that Madi licks her. I think they will be pretty good friends once Birdie starts to move around. Hopefully Madi doesn't turn into a grouchy old dog--but I dobut it!

We really did luck out with Madi. We adopted her about three years ago from the Midwest Lab Rescue. They think she was a puppy mill dog and was abused. She is the sweetest dog that I know. She has been missing our long walks that we use to go on. Part of the blame can rest on the little one, but also on the cold weather. In the spring, we will have to start them up again. It will be good for all of us to get out of the house and stretch our legs.