Monday, November 24, 2008


It is so weird how my days just fly by. Birdie will be 11 weeks tomorrow. Where has the time gone?

She has grown immensely in these past few weeks. And my inclination is telling me that this will be how it is going to be. She smiles ALL of the time. She laughs occasionally. She can kind of hold her head up. And she sleeps 10 hours a night- thank you!

Her face also continues to change. Last week, I swore she looked like me. Today she looks more like her dad. In the end, I wonder who she will look like. I hope that she has inheritaed the best parts of both of us!

I love how she is really laid back. She definatley gets that from me. She does not a fussy baby at all. She has her momemnts, but she is really a good good baby.

Last week, I took her to get her first round of vaccines. I really almost cried when she screamed after they poked her. It was really heartbreaking. For the rest of the day she was not her self and I was paranoid that she wasn't going to be the same calm loving baby she was before. But, alas, the next day she was back to her "old"self- old in the 10 week old sense.

M and I talk about vaccines and what which ones we are going to give Birdie. We decide against the Hep B vaccine. I mean we just got this last year so we could go on a trip to Dakar, Senegal. Did my one day old baby need to get this one? No, I don't think so.

Well my little birdie is chirping again, so I've got to go. I promise to post more often.